Health Center » Welcome to the Health Center!

Welcome to the Health Center!

A few important things from the Nurse: 


Medications: The school nurse can only administer medications with a doctor’s order from your child’s physician. The only medications that students are allowed to carry are asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors. However, the school nurse must have an order from the physician stating so. Medication that does not have the proper documentation in the Health Office will be confiscated.  The medication authorization form below is needed for your child to have a medication carried or held in the Health Office. 


Attire: Please be sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather and participation in physical activity.  Students will not be changing for PE this year, therefore, are expected to participate in the clothes they are wearing.  NO clothing is available in the nurse's office! 


Physical Education Excuse: If your child needs to be excused from or limited in Physical Education class, a physician’s excuse note is required. If you feel your child may not be able to fully participate in PE for 1-2 days due to a minor injury or illness, and you send in a note, your child will be encouraged to walk during PE class. If you have a special circumstance where you would not like your child to participate in PE, and you have been unable to consult a physician, please contact the school nurse.


Breakfast! Breakfast! Breakfast! Please have your child eat a healthy breakfast every morning. A good breakfast is needed to help concentrate during the day. It can also help to avoid fatigue, weakness, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pains during the day.